Safety Spotlight

Slips, trips, and falls continue to be a major source of workplace injuries in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut every year. Most slip, trip, or fall incidents that result in workers losing time…

Ergonomics is a safety topic that affects every worker, no matter what job or work setting they are in. Good ergonomic practices fit jobs and tasks to workers’ needs, which help prevent injuries.…

Driving in winter weather - snow, ice, wet, and cold - creates a great challenge for both vehicles and their drivers. Nearly 30% of car accidents in Canada happen on snowy or icy roads. According to…

Summer is here, which means it’s a busy time for construction workers. If you’ve ever worked on a construction site, you know that there are many safety hazards: people and machinery moving around,…

Lifting, lowering, and handling loads at work can be so common that we can forget they’re one of the main causes of workplace injuries. Even if it’s not part of your daily routine, you've probably…

Strains and sprains are painful injuries, but they’re also very common. At some point in your life, you have likely sprained a ligament, or strained a muscle or tendon. It could have been cause by a…

Lifting and twisting incidents involve twisting your body while carrying a heavy item. Examples of these incidents could include a worker bending and turning while unloading heavy items from a truck…

“Struck-by” incidents happen when a worker comes into contact with a moving object, tool, or piece of equipment. For example, a worker could be struck by a tool falling off a roof, a swinging tool…

Resources In 2021, 19.2 % of accepted claims were related to hand injuries. Our hands are critical to the functioning of our daily work and lives and, as a result, are often the first part of…

Fit to Task AND Fit to Worker   Available Resources Personal Protective Equipment or PPE is any item of clothing or equipment that workers wear in order to protect themselves against…

Last year back injuries made up nearly 1 in 10 workplace injuries in the NWT and Nunavut. Whether mild back pain or a more debilitating injury, back problems can have permanent impacts on someone’s…

Fatigue in the Workplace Are you fit to work today? The north is a unique place to live and work. Many of the day-to-day realities of our workplace can leave us tired and worn out. This could be…