
Request a Review

Filing Cabinet

Step 1

Before you begin:
The Review Committee encourages workers and employers to request disclosure of files before submitting a Request for Review. This ensures all parties have access to the relevant information relating to the issues in question.

If you're a worker or employer disputing a claims decision: Speak to the Claims Entitlement Supervisor, Adjudicator, Case Manager, or the Manager of Claims Services to request a disclosure of the claim file. For more information on claim file disclosures please refer to Policy 07.01, Access to Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission Information. 

If you're an employer disputing an assessment decision: Speak to your Assessment Representative, or the Manager of Employer Services to request a disclosure of the employer file. For more information on employer file disclosures please refer to Policy 07.01, Access to Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission Information. 

Step 1

Step 2

Complete a Request for Review form or write a letter to the Registrar of the Review Committee. Your letter must include:

  • Your claim number or employer number;
  • Date of the decision letter you want reviewed;
  • Reason(s) you disagree with the decision;
  • What you think the decision should be: and,
  • What type of hearing you wanted, whether oral or documentary.

Note: you must request a review within three years of the original decision.

Step 2

Step 3

Send in your Request for Review


Review Committee Registrar
Workers' Safety & Compensation Commission
Box 8888
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2R3

Fax toll-free: 1 (866) 277-3677
E-mail: Review Committee

What to Expect

WSCC will:

  • Send you a letter of acknowledgement;
  • Confirm the type of hearing granted;
  • Confirm the issue to review; and
  • Schedule your hearing date.

Note: The WSCC does not make arrangements or pay for travel, accommodations, or time loss associated with attending a teleconference, video conference, or in-person hearing with the Review Committee. 

The Review Committee will:

  • Hold the hearing within 20 business days of receiving your request;
  • Make a decision within 30 business days of the hearing;
  • Send you the final decision.

Note: Deferred reviews may result in delayed hearings and/or decisions.